Gaming Archive

The Darkness – as underrated as Mila Kunis

Its 2012 and if you still haven’t heard or played the Darkness, you’re missing out on a good game. All you console gamers looking to play something different from the mainstream games these days, This might just be what you’re looking for. If you’re wondering what this

New iPad Preview – First Impressions

On February 28, Apple sent out invites to major publishers and tech sites. It was quite evident from the invite that the event scheduled on March 7 was going to have something to do with a new iPad. Consequentially, tech sites all over went berserk in trying

Top 10 Greatest Modern RPGs

RPG stands for role-playing game, it is a genre in which the players assume the role of a fictional character in a setting and actually live out the story. The usual draw of such games is that they put the player in the hero’s shoes and every
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